2013년 4월 4일 목요일
Review for Class _ Happiness
What is Happiness..??
The ultimate goal in every person's life is happiness. A person eats, studies and works in order to reach the state of happiness. However, what is the happiness? How can I get it? Some people argue that money, authority or power are the one way tickets to happiness. However, I think it is not true. One factor cannot decide and lead a person to happiness and there are so many examples. As shown in the class presentation, there is no direct correlation for those factors to happiness. I believe they are just kinds of opportunity. Those chances may raise the probability to success in one's life, however it is that person oneself who grab that chance or not. The point is that It is hard to notice that the chance came to us and even if we know it, it is quiet hard to grab the opportunity. That's why human do not stop developing and training oneself.

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